
OSCE SMM responded to the "DPR": observers recorded outgoing artillery shelling in occupied Yasinovataya 08/26/2016 18:19:04. Total views 970. Views today — 0.

Observers of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission left the observation post in occupied Yasinovataya on August 24th because of "the danger to which members of the mission were subjected by those who fired the shells." It is reported by the press service of the OSCE SMM.

Previously the so-called "deputy commander of the operational command of the" self-proclaimed "DPR" Eduard Basurin said that on August 24th the representatives of the Donetsk office of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission had allegedly refused to go to Yasinovataya to record violations of the ceasefire.

"In fact, on August 24th the SMM Yasinovataya was in and it is stated by its public report as of August 25th (http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/261086). Being in the observation point at the Yasinovataya railway station, at 11:26 SMM heard two explosions which observers assessed as outgoing artillery rounds 200-400 meters away to the south-south-east of their position. Taking into consideration dangers to which members of the Mission were subjected to by those who fired the shells, the SMM observers returned to a more secure position where they continued monitoring and recorded ten explosions of unknown origin in the distance of 1.5 - 3 km from its position at 13:41 to 13:44," - said the press service of the OSCE SMM.

Press Service stresses that the OSCE SMM is an unarmed observer mission.

"Providing the SMM observers with free and unimpeded access to all areas is a commitment by the parties and they, in fact, agreed to provide it. Artillery fire near the SMM observers as happened near Yasinovataya on August 24th is an apparent failure to meet those obligations. It is a violation of the Minsk agreements," - stated the OSCE SMM.

Observations recorded by the SMM observers in Yasinovataya on August 24th indicate two further violation of the Minsk agreements. "Outgoing artillery shots in Yasinovataya clearly indicate the presence of prohibited weapons within the agreed withdrawal lines - a violation of the Minsk agreements on withdrawal of weapons and their use is a violation of the ceasefire agreements," – stressed the statement.