
As of December 1st Russia bans Ukrainian citizens to enter the country for violation of the stay terms 12/01/2015 08:41:46. Total views 1153. Views today — 1.

As of December 1st the Russian Federation will prohibit Ukrainian citizens to enter the country for violation of the stay terms on its territory. It is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine.

"As of 01.12.2015 administrative measures, including a ban to enter the Russian Federation, will be applied to citizens of Ukraine who after entry have violated or violate from now forth permitted period of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation (90 days within 180 days), and have not obtained permits", - said the statement.

From July 2014 to August 1st, 2015 temporary preferential migration regime was valid for Ukrainian citizens, according to which it was permitted to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation permanently for more than 90 days without any appropriate authorization documents.

However, as of November 1st, 2015 all citizens of Ukraine who have stayed in Russia for more than 90 days and have not obtained in accordance with the stablished procedure permits for the extension of this period have to apply to the department of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation until November 30th , 2015  to determine the status of their stay in the Russia Federation and obtain the appropriate permit (patent, work permit, residence permit, and so on, etc.) or to leave the Russian Federation.

"An exception to this order of stay is made only for Ukrainian citizens, who arrived en masse in Russia from the south-eastern regions of Ukraine, for whom preferential migration regime is prolonged", - said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.