
9,553 people were killed in Donbass since the beginning of the armed conflict – UN 08/15/2016 16:30:21. Total views 894. Views today — 0.

9,553 people were killed and 22 137 wounded in Donbass since beginning of the armed conflict. It was reported by the monthly newsletter of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA).

"Since the beginning of the conflict the total number of wounded people is 22 137 and 9553 were killed, about 2 thousand of them were civilians," - says the document.

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) recorded 73 civilian casualties in July as a result of the conflict (8 were killed and 65 wounded) that exceeds the number of casualties in June when there were 69 casualties (12 were killed and 57 injured); it is the largest number of victims during a month since August 2015.

The average number of civilian casualties per month recorded in June and July is twice higher than the analogical record for the period from September 2015 to May 2016 when 34 victims on average in a month were recorded.

According to the data, people mainly suffer from the attacks. Landmines and explosive remnants of war are on the second place.