
Wednesday events on the occupied territories of Donbass 07/21/2016 14:34:28. Total views 903. Views today — 0.

Media: "About 2,000 people took part in the DPR training to counter invasion of armed missions."

Media: "Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko agreed to establish a service for government communications in the republic. This service is aimed to ensure communication for the head at the place of his permanent residence, temporary stay and movement on the territory of the republic and abroad. Communication will function both in peacetime and wartime."

"MIA of the DPR": "More than 100 graduates of training center for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR swore allegiance to the republic's people today."

"Ombudsman of the "DPR" Daria Morozova": "Twenty-three convicts serving sentences in prisons of the DPR will be transferred to the Ukrainian side in accordance with their wishes."

Media: "Head of the LPR, the supreme commander of the republic Igor Plotnitsky visited the people's militia exercise on crossing water obstacles. The exercise involved more than 100 pieces of equipment, as well as floating pontoons. "Today you saw how our ordinary guys - former miners, former tractor drivers and just young people - have mastered those qualifications that can and should be proud of," - said Plotnitsky."

Media: "American hackers cracked in the morning on July 20th a number of information and public websites of the LPR and posted false and slanderous informations defaming the state and power structures of the LPR."

"Minister of Communication of the LPR" Mikhail Surzhenko: "Republican subscribers of Lugakom mobile operator can not call to Ukraine as Ukrainian operators do not allow to connect to their points of interconnection."

Media: "Combine driver was blown up by a land mine during agricultural work near Andreyevka village in the south of Donetsk. The driver suffered burns and was hospitalized to Donetsk burn center."

"Ministry of Communications of the LPR": "The Ministry is planning to organize free wireless internet in all trolleys of Luhansk".