
"DPR" militant was killed by "his comrades" for refusing to fire at houses near Mariupol – Intelligence 06/30/2016 22:13:20. Total views 1038. Views today — 0.

"DPR" militant was killed on June 28th for refusing to fire at houses in Pavlopol, Talakovka and Shirokino, - report the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine on its Facebook page.

"On June 28th during an dispute, which caused by refusal of the mortar crew from the 9 Assault separate motorized rifle regiment of marines (Novoazovsk) of the 1st AC of the Russian Armed Forces to perform tasks of firing at civilian houses in Pavlopol, Talakovka, Shirokino, soldier Tymoshenko Vladimir was killed and commander of the mortar division Lieutenant Alexander Titarenko (born 06.06.1973) was killed," - reported the MID.

In addition, it is reported that on June 29th "unit commander of the 3rd separate motorized rifle brigade (Gorlovka) of the 1 AC of the Russian Armed Forces deliberately shot a foot of his subordinate soldier Alexander Rozachev (born 08.21.1980) for refusing to participate in the assault operations against the ATO forces."