
The last point of substitution therapy for HIV-infected people was closed in occupied Donetsk 06/24/2016 10:13:07. Total views 1120. Views today — 1.

The last point of substitution therapy for HIV-infected people was closed in occupied Donetsk. It is reported by the Civil Alliance of Health International Charitable Foundation on Facebook.

On June 23rd "the last point of substitution therapy was closed due to the complete depletion of medicine." On Thursday 23 HIV-positive patients received a minimum of methadone dose (5 mg) for the last time, - says the report.

370 patients received substitution therapy in Donetsk and Makeyevka before the occupation by the illegal armed formations of the "DPR".

"According to available information, 20 patients, mostly HIV-positive, died f only in Donetsk or the period of forced catastrophic decrease in dosage!" - reports to the Alliance page.