
The people of Ukraine will not allow us to sit in the chairs, if we betray them, - Savchenko in the Rada 05/31/2016 11:36:44. Total views 1000. Views today — 0.

MP Nadezhda Savchenko made a speech in the Verkhovna Rada for the first time, - reports the correspondent of OstroV.

"I came back and I will not let you forget who sits in these chairs in the Verkhovna Rada, the guys who started to die for Ukraine on the Independence Square and are still dying for it today in Donbass. I will not let you forget. If anyone of you visited the cemetery, you could feel what I do. They do not lie there, they are with us for Ukraine. They will not die until we have Ukraine, they died for and we dream of," - she said.

"I can tell you that nothing is forgotten and nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgiven. The people of Ukraine will not allow us to sit in the chairs, if we betray them," - added Savchenko.

After his speech Nadezhda Savchenko sang the anthem of Ukraine, withdrew from the parliamentary rostrum poster with her portrait and replaced it with the banner saying "Freedom for the prisoners of the Kremlin".