
The Kremlin Commission found financial fraud of the "DPR officials". Wrangles started – IR 05/27/2016 14:52:46. Total views 1125. Views today — 0.

The "DPR" authorities are facing another financial scandal in connection with the involvement of representatives of the senior leaders of illegal armed groups in the theft of funds coming from the Russian Federation. It was reported by the coordinator of the Information Resistance group, MP Dmitry Tymchuk on his Facebook page.

According to him, it became clear that the previously established formal structure Control Center of the DPR Recovery (CCR), activities of which are based on the regular financing from the Russian Federation, was used by the "DPR" authorities for enrichment.

"The main ways of withdrawing money from Russia and then plundering consisted in the allocation of funds for building companied controlled by the "DPR" leaders, followed by making fictitious work acceptance statements or even the failure to do the work. "Opposition leaders" of the "DPR" (including former head of the "DPR Security Council" A. Khodakovsky) informed representatives of the Russian government structures about the situation that led to the fact that the Russian side carried out audit inspection of the CCR activities," - said Tymchuk.

The audit inspectors from the Russian Federation documented evidence of the large-scale theft of trust funds.

"The final report of the Commission of the Russian Federation recommends to close the CCR project and the "DPR law enforcement agencies" to investigate crimes of local officials (as a result, the "mayor" of Donetsk was interrogated and his first deputy was arrested)," - said the expert.

According to him, the head of the "DPR" Alexander Zakharchenko decided to conduct "an investigation" with the subsequent punishment of certain "officials" and on this basis to ask the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation to continue work of the CCR.