
Turchynov’s wife was attacked by controversial lawyer from Donetsk. He began with Bandera and Shukhevych – MIA 05/26/2016 23:06:12. Total views 1131. Views today — 0.

The man who attacked the wife of the Secretary of National Security and Defense Council Anna Turchynova turned out to be lawyer from Donetsk Vladimir Olentsevich who is known for lawsuits for the cancellation of presidential decrees on awarding Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych title of theHero of Ukraine, as well as attempts to appeal against the pardon of Yuriy Lutsenko. It is reported by the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On May 25th police detained in the premises of one of the universities of the capital a man who tried to kill Anna Turchynova, the wife of the Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine Alexander Turchynov.

Law enforcers found that the attacker was Vladimir Olentsevich, a resident of Donetsk, lawyer. He is known for his claims about the abolition of the decree on awarding Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych the title of the Hero of Ukraine. He also tried to appeal against the pardon of Yuriy Lutsenko. In addition, in 2014 V. Olentsevich filed a lawsuit against Alexander Turchynov regarding the illegal dismissal of Viktor Yanukovych.

We also got to know the details of yesterday's attack. The attacker was waiting for a woman outside her office. Since man had the pictures from the Internet where A.Turchynova had short haircut and because of the poor lighting he attacked another teacher with a similar hairstyle. Grabbing her by the neck, he put a knife to her throat and addressed the teacher as Anna Vladimirovna and advised not to resist.

"Shocked woman explained that she was not the one the attacker thought. Realizing his mistake, the attacker tried to change the victim. Anna Turchynova, who was standing nearby, began to shout. The guard, taking advantage of the attacker’s confusion, knocked his knife and neutralized him. Anna Turchynova personally called the police who arrived and arrested the attacker, "- says the report.

During searching of V. Olentsevich identification, data of Anna Turchynova and a copy of the decree of acting President of Ukraine A. Turchynov on the beginning of the antiterrorist operation were found. His attacker was planning to leave it in the crime site.

According to investigators, on the eve of the crime Vladimir Olentsevich had contact with "members of the government" of the the self-proclaimed "DPR" and with the heads of the propaganda media on the temporarily uncontrolled territory.

As previously reported, according to the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, an armed attack was carried out at Turchynov’s wife on May 25th. "The intruder attacked Anna Turchynova directly in the institute where she works. He attacked with a knife, shouting." You will answer, b.. ,"- said the Minister.