
Leader of the "DPR" Zakharchenko changed his mind to defeat Ukrainian party in the elections. "We are not waiting" 05/24/2016 11:15:40. Total views 1133. Views today — 1.

Leader of the terrorist "DPR" Alexander Zakharchenko disavows his own statement on conducting primaries in the "country" to defeat candidates from the free territories of Ukraine in the local elections. It is understood from his statement posted on the separatist DAN website.

"We need strong candidates that can defeat demagogues and oligarchs whom the Kiev regime will send to deceive our people," - said the "head" on Monday.

However, on Tuesday the leader of the militants told the opposite.

"Ukrainian parties will not participate in the primaries in the DPR under any circumstances. I understand that the information about early public voting that appeared today caused hype in the Ukrainian media and resulted in a wave of false insinuations (the leading Ukrainian mass media did not write that the Ukrainian parties would take part in fake primaries - OstroV). In particular, it is lie that we are supposedly waiting for the Ukrainian party in our elections," - said Zakharchenko yesterday claiming that that "the best fighters will be prepared to defeat our enemies in the struggle for electoral sympathies" in the local elections in the "republic".