
An explosion occurred in the building of the FSB in Belgorod – russian media (VIDEO) 05/23/2023 11:50:12. Total views 527. Views today — 0.

An explosion has occurred in the building of the FSB in the russian city of Belgorod. This was reported by russian media on the night of May 23.

According to journalists, it was heard around 23:50. It is noteworthy that it is referred to as a "strike" rather than just an explosion, which occurred on the territory of the local FSB administration.

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"Due to the introduction of a counter-terrorism operation regime in the city, any publications without official sources are currently prohibited in the region", - the journalists added.

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Later, information about similar sounds in the area of the city police department also appeared online.

It was previously reported that the "gray zone" in the Belgorod oblast has already covered nearly five square kilometers.