
Ministry of Education renounced reference book on history that humiliated Euromaidan in Donetsk 05/17/2016 20:51:01. Total views 1086. Views today — 0.

Reference book on the history of Ukraine by Alexander Gisem that included information that Patriots did not go in Euromaidan in Donetsk was excluded from the list of curricula, textbooks and teaching aids recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. It was reported on the Ministry of Education website.

"In connection with numerous appeals of the public and media concerning the incorrect interpretation of historical events in the reference book "History. Reference book. Tests" by A. Gisem in relation to the Revolution of Dignity, the Ministry of Education abolished its recommendation," - says the report.

The Ministry reported that the reference book was presented by ABC Publishing House for consideration by the Commission on the History of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in September 2014 without information which caused "significant public interest".

It is noted that the reference book which was considered by the Commission highlighted the history of the events in Ukraine until 2011. Information about the events that took place in 2012-2014 in Ukraine, in other words, information on events of Euromaidan was included after giving recommendation to use it in the educational process.

After studying the situation, the Institute for Modernization of Educational Content canceled stamp "Approved for use in secondary schools" which was granted to reference book "History. Reference book. Tests." This reference book has been excluded from the List of curriculum, textbooks and teaching aids recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for use in primary and high school in general education institutions," - the report says.

As previously reported, Alexander Gisem, author of the reference book on the history of Ukraine, which mentioned information that patriots did not go in the Euromaidan in Donetsk acknowledged incorrectness in his comments to OstroV.