
Author of the mema about "Donetsk that does not support Euromaidan" admitted incorrectness of presenting educational material 05/16/2016 21:36:59. Total views 1253. Views today — 0.

Alexander Gisem, author of a handbook on the history of Ukraine that mentions information that in Donetsk the Patriots did not join Euromaidan, recognizes its incorrectness. He told that in his comments to OstroV.

However, he believes that the phrase "in all regions, except for Donetsk and Crimea, there were actions to support Euromaidan" is taken out of context. The author claims that he did not speak about the Revolution of Dignity as a whole, but talked only about the period after January 22 when Euromaidan in Donetsk was strangled by "titushky", so rallies in support of the Kiev activists were not held there.

"I have nothing bad to say about Donetsk and never wrote that there was no support for Euromaidan there," - he said noting that he would not use so categorical expressions in respect of certain regions of Ukraine in his next book.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine of Kamyanets-Podolsk National University named after Ivan Ogniyenko Vladimir Gazin, who reviewed this edition, said in the telephone conversation with OstroV that he shared the general indignation in regard to information about Euromaidan in the book, but his review did not apply to the chapter about the Revolution of Dignity. "I was a reviewer of the first edition of this handbook in 2012. It is, on the whole, good. Now the reference book is reissued. I prepared a review for reprinting, but I was provided with an old version of the book which did not have the paragraphs about the Revolution of Dignity.

P.S. OstroV strongly disagree with Alexander Gisem on Euromaidan and his assessment of events in Donetsk. Firstly, the expression seemed that Donetsk remained passive in relation to what was happening in Kiev, it sounds like a trend and an overall assessment of the contribution of the region. Secondly, even during the mentioned date - from 22 to 27 January Donetsk was not silent – rallies for the European future of Ukraine took place on the regional center, Ukrainian patriots of Donbass clearly stated their position.

OstroV provided the author with a brief chronology of the tragic events described in the book:

January 22nd

Euromaidan activists were attacked by advocates of the President in Donetsk (Photo)

Activist of Donetsk Euromaidan was unconsciousness after “titushky’s” attack

Almost no one came to Donetsk Euromaidan today

January 23rd

About 60 young men in sportswear and gauze masks came to Euromaidan in Donetsk "to protect" (Photo)

January 24th

Working Group of Euromaidan in Donetsk encourages local authorities and the Party of Regions to hold the rally peacefully

During simultaneous Euromaidan and "regionals’" rally in Donetsk a policeman was assigned to every journalist (Photo)

Supporters of the Party of Regions in Donetsk booed the proposal of Euromaidan activists to honour the memory of the deceased in Kiev

How rallies of Euromaidan and supporters of Yanukovych took place in one venue in Donetsk(video)

January 26th

Euromaidan in Donetsk tells about the possible storming of the Donetsk Regional State Administration by provocateurs

January 27th

Donetsk Euromaidan waiting for provocations officially refused to hold rallies

Several activists of Donetsk Euromaidan disappeared in Donetsk

Police opened criminal proceedings on the fact of clashes during Sunday's rally in Donetsk

Disappeared activists of Donetsk Euromaidan made contact

After that Alexander Gisem agreed that his view of Donetsk events of January, 2014 was not complete.