
Head of the fake "CEC of the DPR" confirmed that militants had printed as many ballots for "referendum" as they wanted 05/13/2016 20:50:49. Total views 1187. Views today — 0.

Dismissed "head of the CEC of the DPR" Roman Lyagin confirmed that ballots for the fake "referendum" held on May 11th, 2014 on the occupied territories of Donetsk region were published uncontrollably "in the basements" and had no degrees of protection. Lyagin told about that in his interview with EADaily news agency.

"We published ballots on the paper which we took in the basement of the regional administration on risographs which our friends lent us. We did not have any material base. We used things that were available at the time ", - said Lyagin.

As previously reported, two years ago the so-called referendum on independence "of the Donetsk People's Republic" was held in Donetsk region on May 11th. Its results were not recognized by any civilized country in the world but the people in the region come to voting points and supported the "independence" of the pseudo republics.

Two years later the chairman of the so-called "People's Council of the DPR" Denis Pushilin blamed deputies Donetsk Regional Council for illegitimate proclamation of the Donetsk People's Republic. They are, according to Pushilin, were to vote for the referendum that would have legitimized Donbass as in the Crimean scenario.

As reported by OstroV, Roman Lyagin was dismissed from the "post" of the head of the "Central Election Commission" April 5th. He, according to "the Decree" of leader of the "DPR" Alexander Zazarchenko "had a negligent attitude toward his duties, systematically violated labour discipline and was engaged in activities beyond the scope of his functions, including for personal enrichment." Roman Lyagin was responsible for holding fake "referendum" on the formation of the "DPR" and vote counting in 2014.