
SSU detained ex-Antonov director Bychkov: he interfered with the AFU activities (PHOTO) 03/10/2023 11:07:03. Total views 443. Views today — 0.


Security Service of Ukraine detained Serhiy Bychkov, ex-Antonov director, for obstructing the preparation of the defense of the Hostomel airport. It is reported by Censor.NЕТ.

The SSU conducted searches and served suspicion notices to Serhiy Bychkov, Advisor to Director General of Antonov (former Director General of Antonov), Netiosov, Deputy Head of Security of Antonov Air Transport Enterprise, and Kharchenko, Director of Antonov Air Transport Enterprise (in absentia).

According to investigation, in January-February 2022, they repeatedly refused to allow National Guard to build engineering and fortification structures at Hostomel airport, which led to a decrease in facility’s defense capability and, as a result, to seizure of a strategic facility for Kyiv’s defense.

This criminal proceeding was initiated in April 2022 under Art. 111(1), Art. 114-1(2), Art. 332(2), Art. 366(1) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

According to the investigation, Antonov officials obstructed the legitimate activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations (NGU, SSO, CSO "A" and others) involved in preparing for the defense of the strategic facility for the capital's defense - the Hostomel airfield of Antonov, which led to the seizure of the airfield, deaths and injuries of rescuers, damage and destruction of property and aircraft of the company, including the AN-225 Mriya.

According to law enforcement officers, the pre-trial investigation documented that during January-February 2022, Antonov officials repeatedly made decisions to refuse the National Guard permission to construct engineering and fortification structures on the territory of the airport, which actually led to a decrease in the defense capability of the facility and, as a result, the seizure of a strategic facility for the defense of the capital.

At the same time, on March 9, 2023, the investigating judge of the Shevchenkivskyi District Court of Kyiv imposed on the suspects Bychkov and Netiosov a preventive measure in the form of detention for a period of 60 days without the right to be released on bail.


Earlier it was reported that the SSU told the details of the investigation into the destruction of the AN-225 Mriya.