
National Guard’s Spartan brigade shot down a russian Su-25 attack aircraft in the Bakhmut area 03/08/2023 17:00:23. Total views 337. Views today — 2.

Yet another russian attack aircraft was shot down in the Bakhmut area. The Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs reported this on March 8 on its Telegram channel.

"During the night of March 6, National Guard soldiers shot down a russian attack aircraft Su-25 in the Donetsk oblast with the Perun man-portable air-defense system, at a distance of up to 4 kilometers", - the statement said.

As the commander of the Partisan division noted, the enemy attack aircraft was covering infantry advancing on the defenders' defensive line from the air. The Ukrainian soldiers opened fire and shot down the russian armored attack aircraft. Ukrainian defenders saw that the plane was hit and began to descend through a thermal imager; the fate of the pilot is unknown.

Earlier, it was reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had eliminated 700 occupiers and 20 units of heavy equipment in the past day.