
The Verkhovna Rada failed to adopt the law that would allow Yuriy Lutsenko to become the Prosecutor General 05/10/2016 23:18:14. Total views 1051. Views today — 0.

The Verkhovna Rada failed to adopt the Law of Ukraine № 4469 "On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding activities of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and State Bureau of Investigation," – reports the correspondent of OstroV.

Deputies gave 224 votes for the draft law but 226 votes were needed to adopt it.

According to the draft law, a citizen of Ukraine who has a higher education (not necessarily legal) and experience in the field of law or experience in legislative and law enforcement agencies of at least five years can be appointed on the post of Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

As previously reported, Yuriy Lutsenko is the main candidate for the post of Prosecutor General of Ukraine. However, current legislation does not allow him to hold the position,since he has no legal education and experience in the field of law.

"This law is not about who will be the next Prosecutor General, this draft law is about what the General Prosecutor's Office will be like. There are no chances for success if there are no opportunities to bring in people who did not work in this rather corrupt system," - said Yuriy Lutsenko.

The explanatory note to the draft law states that its main purpose is to solve the conflict on the issue of jurisdiction of the pre-trial investigations, arising in connection with the entry into force of the law on the Prosecutor's Office and the State Bureau of Investigation, elimination of procedural obstacles in the implementation of the special pre-trial investigation taking into account practices of the European Court of Human Rights and International Standards of these procedures.

After the failed voting speaker Andrey Parubiy closed the session of the Verkhovna Rada.