
Reznikov and Kuleba warn allies about threat of offensive by russian federation and urgently ask for Leopards 01/19/2023 12:44:38. Total views 774. Views today — 0.

Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov and Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called on the allies to urgently transfer Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine amid the threat of a new large-scale russian offensive. This was said in a joint statement of politicians, - LIGA reports on January 19.

According to them, russia maintains superiority in the number of personnel, weapons and equipment, and also continues its offensive in the Donbas. They noted that the kremlin is determined to further escalate the war - the threat of a new large-scale offensive is real.

Reznikov and Kuleba called on the allies to increase military assistance to Ukraine with modern maneuverable military equipment and Western tanks. Ministers welcomed Britain's decision to transfer Challenger 2 tanks and turned to countries that have Leopard 2 tanks in service.

They called on Greece, Denmark, Spain, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Turkey, Finland and Sweden to transfer Leopard 2 to Ukraine to use them in protecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

"We appeal to all these and other states that have the appropriate capabilities to join the initiative to create an international tank coalition in support of Ukraine and make their practical contributions to this initiative. We urge to do this for the sake of millions of civilians who continue to be in mortal danger", - the statement said.

As reported, the UK will transfer another 200 armored vehicles to Ukraine.