
About one third of surveyed Ukrainians assess the results of the Minsk agreements negatively - Razumkov Centre 04/28/2016 16:17:33. Total views 1050. Views today — 0.

About one third of Ukrainians assess the results of the Minsk agreements negatively. It is evidenced by the results of sociological study “The attitude of citizens to the situation in Donbass” held by the Razumkov Center.

The relative majority of respondents (35.9%) assess negatively the current results of the Minsk agreements on the situation in Donbass. 16.6% of respondents assess the results positively and 24.3% are neutral. 10.0% of respondents do not know anything about these agreements and 13.1% of the respondents were unable to give an answer to the question. The majority of respondents in all regions of Ukraine assess negatively the current results of the Minsk agreements.

The study was conducted by the sociological service of the Razumkov Centre in the period from 25th to 30th March 2016. They interviewed 2018 respondents of 18 and older in all regions of Ukraine, except Crimea and the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions representing the adult population of Ukraine for the main social and demographic indicators. The selection survey was constructed as a multi-stage, random survey with quota selection of respondents in the last stage. The theoretical margin of selection error does not exceed 2.3% with the probability of 0.95.