
Russians fire 14 missiles at Kramatorsk last night (PHOTO) 11/01/2022 13:35:05. Total views 388. Views today — 0.

Russian occupiers attacked Kramatorsk on the night of November 1, firing 14 rockets at the city. This was reported by head of the Donetsk Oblast Administration Pavlo Kyrylenko in his Telegram channel.

"The russians launched two missile attacks on Kramatorsk in the middle of the night - fourteen missiles hit the industrial zone. There was no information about the victims and damaged infrastructure", - the head of the Donetsk Oblast Administration told.

Pavlo Kyrylenko also told about other damage in the oblast.

"A detached house was destroyed in Kurakhove, there were also arrivals in the outskirts of the villages. In Avdiivka, single arrivals at night, two massive shellings in the morning. In the Ocheretyne community, shelling in the outskirts of villages damaged power lines", - Kyrylenko told.

As previously reported, russian invaders attacked six settlements in the Donetsk oblast.