
Nuland persuades Ukrainian politicians to fulfill "Minsk-2" according to Putin's scenario – sources 04/26/2016 18:08:08. Total views 1379. Views today — 0.

The USA enforces Ukraine ta adopt amendments to the Constitution giving " special status" to the occupied districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. It is reported by Novoye Vremyawith references to its sources.

According to sources, that position was announced by Assistant Secretary of United State Victoria Nuland during the meeting with representatives of parliamentary factions in Kiev on Tuesday, April 26th.

The sources also note that the State Department insists on holding elections on the occupied territories soon and providing amnesty to militants.

According to sources, Nuland announced thesis according to which holding of the elections will be a precedent when Russian troops will leave the territory which they occupied voluntarily for the first time in history.

Nuland allegedly noted that the Minsk agreement should have been implemente by the end of 2016. To do this, heavy weapons should be "closed" and the special OSCE mission must observe its "storage".

According to interlocutors, Nuland hpromised that if the Supreme Rada adopted a law on elections on the occupied territories of Donbass in May, then in June the United States would extend the sanctions against Russia for six months - until January 2017. At the same time, Washington expects that these elections will be held in July.