
No panic! Ukrainians who went away for 30 days don’t have to get registered 04/22/2016 19:10:19. Total views 1333. Views today — 0.

Information about the fact that people who leave home for more than 30 days have to get registered at the new location does not correspond to reality. On Thursday the Ukrainian media referring to one of the central news agencies wrote that "all the Ukrainians who left home for more than 30 days (for work, study, and so on) have to be registered in the new place. Those who refuse to do it will be punished with a fine." The publication referred to the Resolution №207 of the Cabinet of Ministers.

In reality, it is about a fact that "a citizen of Ukraine, as well as a foreigner or a person without citizenship who permanently or temporarily reside in Ukraine are required within 30 calendar days after de-registration of place of residence and coming to a new place of residence to register their place of residence."

Using the old terminology, it is about necessity to register new place of residence in case of de-registration of the place of residence.

The regulation does not prohibit persons to live unlimited period of time not in the place of registration (residence permit). "If a person lives in two or more places, she/she chooses one of these places to register at,"- says it. In other words, having official registration in one o place, you can safely live in an unlimited number of other places.

Regarding fines for non-registration, they are also applied to persons who deregistered at the old place of residence and haven’t registered at a new one. "If... it is established that the person referred to register at a new place of residence on the expiry of 30 days after deregistration at the previous place of residence …, an employee of the registration authority or center providing administrative services makes an administrative protocol for an offense specified in Article 197 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences," - stated the regulation.