
Russia threatens to stop Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant 08/18/2022 15:41:10. Total views 687. Views today — 0.

Russia has threatened to stop the ZaporIzhzhia nuclear power plant "if Ukraine does not stop shelling the plant". This was reported on August 18 by the russian media, in particular, TASS.

"If the negative development of the situation related to the shelling of the nuclear power plant by Ukraine continues, the issue of putting the 5th and 6th power units into the "cold reserve" may be considered, which will lead to the shutdown of the Zaporizhzhia NPP", - head of the radiation, chemical and biological protection forces of the russian Armed Forces Igor Kirillov stated.

It should be noted that a little earlier, the Ministry of Defense of the russian federation also "announced" a terrorist attack at the ZNPP by Ukraine.