
Military’s co-workers killed him in Donetsk region and reported to the command that he had deserted 04/21/2016 22:50:28. Total views 1034. Views today — 0.

Military’s co-workers killed him in Donetsk region and reported to the command that he had voluntarily left the location of the military unit, - reports communication department of the MDNP in Donetsk region.

On April 15th locals noticed a man's hand in the ground during agricultural work in a field near Kamenka, Yasinovataya district. Tractor drivers stopped work and called the police. Investigative team of Druzhkivka police station arrived in the site.

Police found the body of a man wrapped in a blanket. The corpse was in the ground for at least 4-5 weeks and had obvious putrid damages. The deceased was dressed in civilian clothes. The conclusion of forensic experts says the cause of his death was numerous injuries.

Police officers of MDNP in Donetsk region joined investigation of the murder.

Police officers launched a set of priority investigative and operational activities and checked two villages located near the place of finding the body. Police gathered information about missing persons, suspicious persons, conflicts that might occur in the villages of Kamenka and Novoselovka-2 during the last month.

"It was found out that a month ago senior lieutenant of the AFU, 36-year-old resident of Sumy region left voluntarily one of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, located in Yasinovataya village. The man was listed as missing and considered a deserter. His colleagues said he had voluntarily surrendered to the terrorists," - said the statement.

The command of the unit was extremely concerned about the disappearance of the soldier. Representatives of the Military Prosecutor's Office conducted a thorough inspection of materials about the officer's disappearance. Both investigations formed a single picture, when on April 15th police dug up the body of an unidentified man, wrapped in a blue army blanket. Commanders and then family recognized the missing officer.

Due to the support of the military unit command, investigators of the regional police directorate restored in detail the last days of the man.

On the day of the disappearance, on March 8th, 2016, the military went to Novoselovka-2 village from where he didn’t return alive. Law enforcers have found that 5 soldiers knew the true fate of the fighter. The police collected the evidence base which points out their involvement in committing a violent crime. The suspects were questioned by the investigating judge in the court and gave truthful testimony.

According to the questioned, on that day there was a conflict between them and the killed man. The man was beaten to death. One of the soldiers hit, the others helped to destroy the traces of the crime and then blackened the honour of the killed officer by telling lie that he was a traitor.

"It won’t work to write off all at the war - the police searches thoroughly every missing person in the ATO area. Operational teams work on the demarcation line. We have all the possibilities to investigate such cases. Perpetrators who killed a person would be punished, no matter who they are," - said the police chief of Donetsk region Vyacheslav Abroskin.

Today, on April 21st, a soldier, who directly stroke a mortal blow is charged with suspicion of a criminal offense under Part 2 Art. 121 "Serious bodily injury that resulted in death of the victim" of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Court appointed a preventive measure in the form of arrest.

Pre-trial investigation is continuing. Criminal proceedings will involve all those who participated in destroying traces of the crime and perjury.