
After threats against Lithuania, russian fedeation begins military exercises near Lithuanian border 06/21/2022 10:44:58. Total views 710. Views today — 0.

The russian federation began military exercises in the Kaliningrad oblast on the border with Lithuania. This is reported by the russian media on June 20.

As reported, the training of missile and artillery units is carried out by military personnel of the Baltic Fleet of the russian federation. About 1 thousand military personnel and more than 100 units of military and special equipment of artillery and missile units are involved in the maneuvers.

The russian Defense Ministry notes that the artillerymen and missilemen will perform "several hundred fire missions" using Grad and Uragan MLRS, Giacint large-caliber guns and Msta-S, Akatsiya and Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mounts.

Let us recall that on June 20, the Kremlin began to threaten Lithuania with "tough actions" because of the decision to block the transit of sanctioned goods.