
Putin said that he supported presence of armed OSCE police mission in Donbass 04/14/2016 19:36:15. Total views 1199. Views today — 0.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said he supported bringing international peacekeeping police mission along the demarcation line. He said that during traditional Pryamaya liniya on April 14th.

"There will be no active hostilities. On the contrary, we have recently had a conversation with Peter Alekseyevich and he proposed to strengthen the presence of the OSCE, including armed OSCE staff on the demarcation line. That's the right decision. We support," - Putin said.

According to him, now we need to discuss this question with the OSCE.

"We need now to work out with the Western partners so that the OSCE makes a decision to increase significantly the number of their employees and if you want to register possible firearms in the mandate," - he concluded.

Earlier the Russian Federation said that the deployment of an international police mission in Donbass was contrary to the Minsk agreements, such calls would only provoke the escalation of the situation, all parties should be as careful when offering initiatives.