
De-imperialization and de-putinization of russia. Russian opposition members to gather in Warsaw to discuss model of russia after putin 05/05/2022 13:13:38. Total views 1136. Views today — 0.

Warsaw will host a Forum of the Free Peoples of Russia conference on May 8-9 with the participation of leading russian opposition members and experts from Poland, Ukraine and the USA. The topic of discussion is "what should russia be like after putin". This was reported by organizer of the Forum - the Solidarity Foundation of Journalists.

"The main topics of the conference will be the de-imperialization of russia, its de-putization and de-militarization, as well as the economic future", - the organizers said in a statement.

"I believe that the criminal war in Ukraine proved that there can be no agreement between the free world and russia, which is ruled by putin and the KGB. It is also impossible for freedom to reign in our part of the world without liberating the peoples that make up the Russian Empire, and this should be discussed not only with Russians, for whom freedom is a fundamental value, but also with representatives of national minorities living in the Russian Federation. This is the idea of ​​our conference", - President of the Solidarity Foundation of Journalists Krzysztof Skowroński says.

Representatives of peoples enslaved by the russian imperialism will also take part in the two-day forum.

"May 8, which free peoples celebrate as the Day of Victory and the end of the Great Patriotic War, will come to Warsaw: Ilya Ponomarev, the only deputy of the russian Duma who voted against the annexation of the Crimea, Chechen Dzhambulat Suleymanov, who lives in exile in France, and Nafis Kashapov from Tatarstan… Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin and Belarusian opposition member Yaroslav Romanchuk will come from Ukraine to Warsaw", - the organizers said in a press release.

"We divided the forum into two three-hour parts and four panels: De-imperialization, De-militarization, De-putinization and Economic Future. The conference will start at 10:00 on May 8, and will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the Solidarity Foundation of Journalists in three languages: Polish, English and Russian.