
In the annexed Crimea human rights are violated – UN 12/09/2015 21:31:00. Total views 1240. Views today — 0.

In the annexed Crimea there are serious human rights violations. This is stated by the report, published on the website of the UN Office of the High Commissioner on December 9th – according to Ukrainska pravda.

"In the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the status of which is described in resolution 68/262 of the General Assembly, the people continue to suffer from a wide reduction of their rights in connection with the legal basis constraints imposed on them by the Russian Federation", - said the report.

UN Observer Mission on Human Rights in Ukraine continues to receive reports of violations of the right to life, liberty, security and physical integrity, as well as a fair trial and the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

The report also notes that "the trade blockade of the Crimea which was conducted by Ukrainian activists has led to human rights violations that have not been adequately investigated by law enforcement officials".