
"Provocations will not stop". Shelling continues in Donbas - Reznikov 02/18/2022 13:48:37. Total views 900. Views today — 0.

20 shellings were recorded in the Donbas on February 18 as of 10 a.m. Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov reported this in the Verkhovna Rada today during an hour of questions to the government, - correspondent of OstroV reports.

"As of 10 a.m., 20 attacks were recorded. We again activated all relevant mechanisms to stop the fire", - he reported.

According to him, Ukraine has been facing such provocations as shelling, cyber attacks, dangerous aviation maneuvers and disruption of mobile communications in recent days.

"Our task is not to do what the Russian Federation is pushing us to do. But to fight back and keep a cool head, because the provocations will not stop", - Oleksii Reznikov said.

"The Kremlin is still preparing a rationale for recognizing CADLO according to the scenario worked out in Georgia. Regardless of whether it is implemented. Just so that this option is on the table", - the minister added.