
World Bank says political crisis threatens Ukraine reform drive 04/01/2016 14:30:13. Total views 1023. Views today — 0.

Political crisis in Ukraine poses a serious threat to the economic reforms in the country. This is stated in the statement of the World Bank Director for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova Qimiao Fan on April 1st, - reports Reuters.

According to the report, the deputies are under pressure because of the urgent need for unification of the coalition in order to prevent a hopeless situation with the early elections and the delay in the tranche of 1.7 billion dollars from the International Monetary Fund and other foreign loans.

" The current political crisis poses a very serious threat to the still fragile recovery and exposes a serious enough threat to continued economic reforms," - said Qimiao Fan.

"It's very important in our view that the political crisis is resolved as quickly as possible," - he added.