
GPOU closed criminal proceedings on separatism against former Party of Regions member Alexander Yefremov 04/01/2016 12:09:02. Total views 1198. Views today — 1.

General Prosecutor 's Office closed the criminal proceedings on separatism against the former Party of Regions member Alexander Yefremov and the court ordered to return the recognisance in the amount of 60 900 hryvnias. The decision was taken by investigating judge of the Pechersk Court Kristina Tarasyuk on March 24th - reports Ukrainska Pravda.

According to the text of the decision, Yefremov’s defense appealed to the investigating judge of Pechersk District Court of Kyiv with a request to return the recognisance in connection with the closure of the criminal proceedings.

Based on the text of the decision, prosecutor Zimoglyad "did not mind satisfying the appeal and returning the recognisance."

The text of the resolution also notes that the suspect’s wife paid the recognisance.

On March 26th GPOU prosecutor Vladislav Kutsenko said that there was "judicial sabotage" in the case against ex-People's Deputy from the Party of Regions Alexander Yefremov and the judge delayed consideration.