
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 11/02/2021 11:00:00. Total views 954. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on November 1, 4 violations of the ceasefire by the Russian occupation forces were recorded, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy conducted all the shelling near Novoluhanske - from automatic easel and hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers. There are no casualties among the military personnel of the Joint Forces. Our defenders opened return fire to force the enemy stop firing.

Russian occupation forces suffered serious personnel losses in the Donbas in October. This was reported on November 1 by Ukrainian military blogger Serhiy Neshchadim. "The loss of the orcs in the period from 01.10.21 to 31.10.21 amounted to 55 people", - the blogger wrote. Of these, non-combat: irreversible (200) - 19, sanitary (300) - 35, combat: sanitary (300) - 1.

64 transformer substations and 63 subscriber substations were disconnected in occupied Donetsk on the afternoon of November 1. This was reported in social networks by Alexey Kulemzin, who calls himself "the head of the city administration". According to him, the incident occurred at 14.15. "As a result, 10 thousand residential subscribers of the Kirovskyi and Leninskyi districts (Shyrokyi, Blakytnti, Zirkovyi, Myrnyi and Soniachnyi microdistricts) were left without electricity", - Kulemzin wrote, having added that the reason for the shutdown was being investigated.

86 823 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in the occupied Donetsk region since the beginning of the pandemic. Of these, 6 697 people died. These are the data of the fake "DNR Ministry of Health" as of November 1. CADO did not conduct research on COVID-19 on October 31, since the only laboratory was being sanitized. Currently, 14 951 patients are undergoing treatment (inpatient and outpatient). In addition, the occupiers reported that 216 cases of "usual" pneumonia were detected in the previous day, which is 36 cases more than in the previous day. Of these, 76 patients were hospitalized. In total, 3 817 patients with pneumonia are undergoing treatment, of which 1 770 are on oxygen support (+60 over the day).

Doctors registered another 21 deaths from COVID-19 in the occupied Luhansk region over the day, separatist media wrote. Thus, doctors in CALO have "officially" registered 2 397 deaths of patients diagnosed with coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic.

60 fires occurred in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast, 60 fires occurred, of which 29 are burning of dry vegetation in the period from 8 a.m., October 31, to 8 a.m. November 1, - the fake "Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DNR" reported. So, there was a fire at an increased call number in an open area in occupied Makiivka (Chervonohvardiyskyi district, Krupskoy settlement, Maurice Thorez Street). "The fire destroyed reeds on an area of ​​6.5 hectares", - the message said. Also, dry grass was burning in an open area in the Amvrosiivskyi district, outside the village of Zhytenko - the fire covered an area of ​​24 hectares.