
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 10/28/2021 12:00:00. Total views 1005. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on October 27, 9 violations of the ceasefire by the Russian occupation forces were recorded, 2 of which were with the use of weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements, - the JFO headquarters reported. The occupiers fired two shells from 122 mm artillery and 120 mm mortars near Hranitne. The enemy fired twice in the direction of Luhanske, using grenade launchers of different systems and large-caliber machine guns. The enemy opened fire from small arms near Novotoshkivske. The mercenaries used hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers in the direction of Novoluhanske. Shelling was carried out from grenade launchers of various systems and small arms in the area of Lebedynske. The enemy opened fire from heavy anti-tank grenade launchers not far from Shyroke. In addition, Russian mercenaries dropped unknown explosive devices near Hranitne, using an unmanned aerial vehicle. One soldier suffered a fatal wound as a result of hostile actions. Our defenders returned fire to the enemy armed provocations and suppressed the enemy firing points without using weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements.

The Ukrainian military used the Bayraktar scout-attack unmanned aerial system in the Donbas on October 26 for the first time. This was reported by the press service of the AFU General Staff. It was reported that the OSCE put forward a demand for a ceasefire on the militants of the Russian Federation on October 26, from the beginning of shelling in the Donbas, and sent a note to diplomatic channels, but the occupiers did not react to this in any way. Commander-in-chief of the AFU, Lieutenant General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi gave the order to use Bayraktar in order to force the enemy to cease fire. "The unmanned aerial vehicle did not cross the contact line and destroyed one weapon from the detachment of the Russian occupation forces with a guided bomb", - the AFU General Staff noted. After that, shelling of the Ukrainian positions ceased.

Olha Politova, a former doctor from occupied Donetsk, told about what she had to endure in the dungeons of the "DNR" occupiers. Her story was posted on Facebook on October 27 by the Media Initiative for Human Rights. "The fact that I am a woman did not have any meaning and influence. They beat me and did not shy away from the fact that I am old enough to be their mother. There are no such concepts as age and gender there", - the former hostage told. Olha worked as a doctor in Donetsk before the start of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in eastern Ukraine. Politova was forced to be transferred to the territories controlled by the government of Ukraine - to the Primary Health Care Centre in the front-line village of Ocheretyne. The militants captured her on November 13, 2015, when she was on her way to Donetsk.

Another 1198 cases of COVID-19 were detected in certain areas of the Donetsk oblast (CADO), - the fake "DNR Ministry of Health" reported. In addition, another 92 patients died over the day. The occupiers also reported that 14 502 patients were undergoing treatment (inpatient and outpatient). 242 cases of "usual" pneumonia were also detected over the day, of which 135 patients were hospitalized. In total, 3868 patients with pneumonia are being treated, of which 1809 are on oxygen support (+74 over the day).

Another 186 cases of coronavirus infection were registered in the occupied Luhansk region, over the day, separatist media wrote. 46 more deaths over the past day were also reported.

More than 56 tons of humanitarian supplies were delivered to the uncontrolled part of the Donbas on October 27 by trucks of the International Committee of the Red Cross. This was reported by the Ministry of Ukraine for reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories. The trucks transported the humanitarian aid through the Novotroitske checkpoint.

A car hit a woman with a child at a pedestrian crossing in the Voroshylovskyi district of occupied Donetsk. This was reported by Alexey Kulemzin, who calls himself "the head of the city administration". "An accident occurred on Ilyich Avenue in the Voroshylovskyi district. At a pedestrian crossing, a car driver hit a mother with a 5-year-old child, who were on their way to a kindergarten. The boy died on the spot, his mother was hospitalized…", - Kulemzin stated.

Militants of the so-called "DNR" stated that there was an attempt to "blow up" an oil depot in the Kirovskyi district of occupied Donetsk, which, according to their version, had already been exploded earlier this September. According to them, "an unmanned aerial vehicle with an attached explosive device fell on one of the tanks of the oil depot, but did not detonate immediately". "However, when trying to neutralize the IED, an explosion occurred due to a cocked detonator, which was programmed for a certain time", - the occupiers wrote, having added that "casualties and large-scale consequences were avoided". The townspeople wrote in local publics that "there was no explosion" and "they are trying to conceal the theft of fuels and lubricants this way": "Haha, there were empty tanks, that feeling when fuels and lubricants were stolen and you need to come up with something to legitimize it"; "But gasoline will rise in price anyway…"; "The machinations of Ukes are a universal and convenient reason for concealing the facts of theft".