
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 09/15/2021 11:00:00. Total views 997. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on September 14, one violation of the ceasefire by the Russian occupation forces was recorded, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy fired at the positions of our servicemen from automatic easel grenade launchers near the settlement of Pisky. One member of the Joint Forces was wounded by shrapnel as a result of the enemy fire. After providing first aid, the soldier was transported to a hospital. His health condition is satisfactory. Ukrainian defenders returned fire to the enemy shelling.

Occupiers from the so-called "DNR" conducted 1349 studies on September 13, of which 616 cases of coronavirus disease (45.7%) were detected, 56 patients were diagnosed with COVID-19 clinically and epidemiologically. This was reported by the fake "DNR Ministry of Health". In addition, 60 patients died over the day. In total, as of September 14, the number of patients with COVID-19 infection in CADO was 60 459. 7338 patients are now undergoing treatment (inpatient and outpatient). 4457 people died. The mortality rate increased and amounted to 7.4% (it is 2.3% in the free territory of Ukraine and 2.1% in the world). The occupiers also identified 296 cases of "usual" pneumonia over the day, which is 108 cases more than in the previous day. Of these, 209 patients were hospitalized. In total, 2761 patients with pneumonia are undergoing treatment, of which 939 are on oxygen support (+113 over the day).

Doctors registered 13 deaths from COVID-19 in the occupied territory of the Luhansk oblast over the day, separatist media wrote. Thus, doctors in the occupied Luhansk region "officially" registered 1052 deaths of patients diagnosed with coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic.

The water at the Chapayevsky pond in the Kalininskyi district of occupied Horlivka turned too yellow. Local residents wrote this in social networks. The townspeople believe that the reason for the change in the water color is ingress of mine water into the reservoir, which is not pumped out at any of the city mines. "The drainage does not work. For example, the water level in the Hayovyi mine rose to 160 meters as of August", - was written in social networks. Residents reminded that almost all mines in Horlivka are closed and flooded, and the rising mine waters fall into reservoirs and mix with groundwater. "Rusty dead water gets into rivers and lakes. Reservoirs become red and lifeless because of polluted water from mines. In this situation, not only the Horlivka rivers and ponds are polluted. Contaminated mine water gets into groundwater. From there, they have a direct path to the Siverskyi Donets, which is a source of drinking water for many residents of Donbas", - users noted.

The movement of trolleybuses along route No.2 in the center of occupied Donetsk was stopped as a result of an accident involving three cars. This was reported by Alexey Kulemzin, who calls himself "the head of the city administration". "The accident occurred at the intersection of Artema Street and Shevchenko Boulevard in the direction of the railway station: a collision of 3 cars", - Kulemzin wrote. He added that there are victims and "special services are working on the spot".

A woman fell out from the 10th floor of a 14-storey building in the Kuibyshevskyi district of occupied Donetsk. This was reported by Alexey Kulemzin, who calls himself "the head of the city administration". "A woman fell out from the 10th floor of a 14-storey residential building No.229, located on the Kuibysheva Street", - Kulemzin reported. In addition to the fact that "the special services were working on the spot" there was no other clarifying information.