
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 09/14/2021 12:00:00. Total views 952. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on September 13, 4 violations of the ceasefire by the Russian occupiers were recorded, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy fired at the positions of the Ukrainian defenders from automatic easel grenade launchers and hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers near Zaitseve. Russian occupiers fired from 120 caliber mortars prohibited by the Minsk agreements near Verkhniotoretske. Armed formations of the Russian Federation carried out shelling from artillery systems with a caliber of 122 mm in the direction of New York. The occupiers opened fire on the positions of the Ukrainian defenders from hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers in the area of ​​Zolote-4. There are no combat losses among Ukrainian soldiers. Ukrainian defenders returned fire to the enemy shelling.

The lists of state employees and students, who are forced to vote remotely or leave as part of organized groups to vote in the Russian Federation, are being created in occupied Donetsk. The Donetsk residents wrote this in social networks. In particular, the group presidents in one of the clones of the Ukrainian university are forced to control the voters - they are waiting for the corresponding screenshots of the online voting from the students. At the same time, those who do not want to vote in the Russian election are forced to write explanatory note.

188 cases of "usual" pneumonia were detected in the occupied territory of the Donetsk region over the day; studies on COVID-19 were not carried out on September 12. This was reported by the so-called "Ministry of Health of the DNR". In total, the occupiers counted 59 787 people with COVID-19 infection as of September 13. There are 7 257 patients undergoing treatment (inpatient and outpatient), 4 397 people died. Of the 188 cases of pneumonia identified, 88 patients were hospitalized. In total, 2910 patients with pneumonia are being treated, of which 947 are on oxygen support (+66 over the day).

Doctors registered eight deaths from COVID-19 in the occupied territory of the Luhansk oblast over the day, separatist media wrote. Thus, doctors "officially" registered 1039 deaths of patients diagnosed with coronavirus in the occupied Luhansk region since the beginning of the pandemic.

The movement of trolleybuses on main city route No.2 was stopped in occupied Donetsk as a result of a road accident. Alexey Kulemzin, who calls himself "the head of the city administration", reported this on a social network. "As a result of the collision of two cars, the movement of trolleybuses along route No.2 (Blagoyeva St. in the direction of the DMP) was temporarily suspended", he wrote, having specified that there were two victims of the accident.

An ambulance car caught fire in occupied Donetsk. Alexey Kulemzin, who calls himself "the head of the city administration", reported this on a social network. "An ambulance caught fire at 3 Panfilov Avenue. Special services responded to the scene", - he wrote. The cause of the fire is being established. Citizens also reported in social networks that an explosion, and then a fire, occurred on the territory of the Vishnevsky hospital. "Just now, a massive explosion and screams were heard in the maternity wing of Vishnevsky hospital, firefighters and ambulances were gathering to the place", - eyewitnesses wrote. The Donetsk residents also reported that an ambulance driver was injured, who was rescued by an unknown citizen. "Respect for the heroic man who was not afraid and pulled the driver out of the burning car", - the Donetsk residents wrote.

The supply of drinking water in the occupied Makiivka will be stopped from 00:00 on September 15 approximately until 19:00 on September 16. This was reported by the press service of the Water of Donbass public utility company. This is due to the preparation of the Makiivka filtration plant and the city's water and sewerage facilities for operation in the autumn-winter period. The residents are asked to make the necessary supply of water and are reminded of the need to boil drinking water from the tap for 5-7 minutes before drinking it. In addition, five districts of occupied Donetsk will be disconnected from the central water supply on this day because of the repair work to prepare for work in the autumn-winter period. The Mushketivskyi and Kuibyshevskyi water supply units will be stopped.