
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 09/03/2021 12:00:00. Total views 860. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on September 2, 4 violations of ceasefire by the Russian occupiers were recorded, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy opened fire twice from heavy anti-tank and automatic heavy grenade launchers, as well as from heavy machine guns and small arms, near Zolote-3. The Russian occupation troops fired from 120 caliber mortars in the area of Novomykhailivka. The enemy used 100-mm artillery near Krasnohorivka. One member of the Joint Forces was wounded as a result of the enemy fire. The soldier is in a medical facility, his health condition is satisfactory. In response to the enemy shelling, Ukrainian defenders opened fire from weapons that were not prohibited by the Minsk agreements.

Leader of the "DNR" Denis Pushilin stated that he would arrange regular checks of the so-called "security officials, ministries and departments". This was said in his "official" statement. The purpose of such inspections is "to maintain a constant readiness of forces and means to solve problems in resolving possible crisis situations in the republic, as well as to improve the practical skills of the personnel of ministries and departments to eliminate the consequences of emergencies and man-caused situations".

Another 480 cases of coronavirus infection were registered in CADO over the day, - the so-called "DNR Ministry of Health" reported. Also, another 25 covid patients died in the previous 24 hours. In total, there are 57 365 infected with COVID-19 in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast today, 7306 patients are undergoing treatment (inpatient and outpatient), 4124 people died. The occupiers also identified 189 cases of "usual" pneumonia during the day. Of these, 138 patients were hospitalized. A total of 2564 patients with pneumonia are being treated, of which 909 are on oxygen support (+68 over the day).

Doctors "officially" registered another 283 cases of COVID-19 in the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast over the day, separatist media wrote. 13 deaths over the past day were also reported.

The Kolmar industrial holding relocated 2 thousand miners and their families from Donbas to Yakutia. This was announced by head of the holding Artem Levin, - Russian media wrote. According to Levin, Kolmar decided to gradually get rid of the drive-in/drive-out and transported miners from the Donbas to Yakutia. Obviously, we are talking about the mass migration of miners from the occupied part of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. They were helped to obtain Russian passports and were settled in Neryungri. Let us recall snow falls out in Yakutia already in September, and winter frosts reach 65 degrees.

In occupied Makiivka, the so-called "mayor" urged women not to let their husbands go to work in the Russian Federation, "so that they were always nearby", and spoke about the salary in a construction public utility company in the amount of $340, - the story of the separatist TV channel said. "Will you go to work as builders in Makiivka for $340?". The residents answered to this question indignantly and ironically.

About 6.2 thousand charter flights have been organized in the occupied Donetsk region from June 2019 to the present to obtain passports of the Russian Federation for the CADO residents. This was reported by the so-called "Ministry of Transport of the DNR". It was noted that more than 284.7 thousand passengers were transported. 104.8 thousand people were transported to the points of issue of Russian passports in the Rostov oblast this year over eight months, the carriers performed more than 2.3 thousand flights and 20 local carriers were involved in regular transportation.

In occupied Donetsk, the wage arrears to employees of the Donetskgormash enterprise increased to $522 thousand. This was reported in the collective's appeal to the "DNR" leader Denis Pushilin. The letter said that the rise in debt occurred after the "Scientific and Production Engineering Company" was established in April 2021. After that, the employees are given empty promises, they are told about the prospects, but the problem of debts is not being solved. "After four months of the concern's work, we have an even worse position in all respects…", - the appeal said.

Occupied Donetsk is beginning to admit that flooded mines threaten with ecological catastrophe. The corresponding opinion was presented by the local TV channel, referring to the veteran of mining work Viktor Shchuka. "We had to start the water running from the Mushketove region at one time. I know that the water was pumped out until the last moment. Because the level of underground waters raised then, and they flooded surface objects", - Viktor Shchuka said. He recalled that the Donetsk mines are very deep, a thousand and more meters. "It will take many years to flood all this space. But any change affects. This can lead to negative consequences", - the local expert said.

Separatists are ramping up military rhetoric in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast, frightening residents with the prospect of a war with the Taliban movement. The local pseudo-historian, so-called "Associate Professor of the Department of World History, Dean of the Faculty of History of the Donetsk National University" Vitaliy Razumnyi spoke about this in one of the stories of a local TV channel. "There are fears that Taliban militants may appear in any part of the world, disguising themselves as refugees, they can enter the territory of any country, even ours, fighting against the republics of Donbas", - the separatist said, having added that he says so because "the Taliban is of pro-American origin".