
417 cases of COVID-19 recorded in occupied Donetsk region over the day 08/04/2021 15:29:37. Total views 810. Views today — 0.

Doctors have registered 417 new cases of COVID-19 infection in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast over the past day. This is said in the message of the so-called "Ministry of Health of the DNR".

"826 studies were carried out over the past day, of which 302 cases of the disease (36.6%) were identified and 115 patients were diagnosed with COVID-19 clinically and epidemiologically", - the occupation department writes.

In addition, five new coronavirus-related deaths have been reported.

In total, occupation authorities have registered 48 929 cases of COVID-19 infection since the beginning of the pandemic. 4 674 patients continue their treatment. 3640 people died from complications of the disease on the territory of CADO.