
Share of Ukrainians who consider themselves belonging to Orthodox Church of Ukraine increased - poll 07/06/2021 14:03:17. Total views 688. Views today — 0.

The number of Ukrainians who consider themselves belonging to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine has grown by 10% over the year. This is evidenced by the results of the KIIS survey conducted on June 25-28.

The overwhelming majority of Ukrainians (73%) continue to consider themselves Orthodox. Another 9% consider themselves Greek Catholics and 7% - atheists. Fewer respondents chose other options.

Among those who consider themselves Orthodox, the majority - 58% - consider themselves to belong to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. This figure has increased compared to June 2020 from 48% to 58%.

25% consider themselves to belong to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (against 21.5% in June 2020). In addition, 12% of such respondents consider themselves simply Orthodox, without specifying the Patriarchate (against 23% in June 2020).