
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 06/02/2021 12:00:00. Total views 795. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on June 1, three violations of the ceasefire by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded. The enemy fired at our positions not far from the settlement of Novhorodske twice. The enemy used 82-caliber mortars during the first shelling, during the second - heavy anti-tank grenade launchers and heavy machine guns. The occupiers fired from small arms in the area of ​​the settlement of Pisky. There are no combat losses among the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The so-called "DNR court" sentenced ardent supporter of the Russian World, the "DNR" blogger Roman Manekin to 2.5 years in prison in a penal colony. This was said in messages in the separatist segment of social networks. Manekin was arrested in occupied Donetsk five months ago. "None of the relatives and friends of Roman is privy to the details of the verdict, the arguments of the prosecution and the circumstances of the case (closed sessions were held three times), according to information received orally by relatives under the walls of the court (where the guards literally drove them across the lawn), it became known about a term of 2.5 years with serving in a penal colony. The court's decision itself was promised to be shown "later", - the message said. Local bloggers who support Manekin were outraged by the "injustice, manipulation of facts and the closed nature of" his "case". Roman Manekin is a native of Makiivka (Donetsk oblast). He moved to Moscow in the 90s and became a citizen of the Russian Federation. He fervently supported the Russian Spring in 2014 and even returned to occupied Donetsk, positioning himself as a "consultant" from Moscow. At the same time, he regularly wrote emotional posts on social networks in which he idealized the Russian World and criticized the "mistakes of the authorities", including leader of the "DNR" Denis Pushilin, about whose actions he even wrote a letter to head of the Russian Federation Putin. Manekin was repeatedly arrested in CADO, he was tortured during his detention in the pre-trial detention center, he himself wrote about a broken leg.

189 more cases of COVID-19 were detected in the occupied areas of Donetsk oblast on May 31. This was reported by the fake "DNR Ministry of Health". It was also known that 12 more patients died from the consequences of the disease during the day. In total, as of June 1, there are 39 040 patients with COVID-19 infection in the occupied Donetsk region, 4 539 patients are undergoing treatment (inpatient and outpatient) and 2 948 people died. The occupiers also identified 112 cases of "usual" pneumonia over the day, 64 cases more than in the past day. Of these, 86 patients were hospitalized. A total of 1672 patients with pneumonia are being treated, of which 701 are on oxygen support (+38 over the day).

Mitsubishi and Lexus, which belongs to Yuriy Syrovatko, who calls himself the "DNR Minister of Justice", clashed in the center of occupied Donetsk. This was reported by several sources in the Telegram channels. The accident occurred at the intersection of Artema Street and Donbas Liberation Avenue. "Mitsubishi crashed into Lexus when it wanted to cross double solid lines. The Lexus numbers were covered almost immediately after the accident. Who is so cool here?", - the users wrote. It turned out that Lexus belongs to "Minister of Justice of the DNR" Yuriy Syrovatko, information about whom is located in the Myrotvorets database. Before the Russian occupation of Donetsk, Syrovatko was the head of the department for combating crimes related to human trafficking of the Main Directorate of the MIA of Ukraine in the Donetsk oblast.

The movement of trolleybuses along three routes stopped in the center of occupied Donetsk. This reported by Alexey Kulemzin, who calls himself "the head of the city administration". "As a result of the accident (collision of two cars in the area of Constitution Square), the movement of trolleybuses along routes No.4, 7 and 11 has been temporarily suspended", - he informed. Kulemzin added that there were no victims in the accident.

The cancellation of the curfew in CADO on the summer weekends does not mean that violators of the order cannot be fined and taken to the "DNR regional departments". This was written about in separatist segment of social networks. For example, the following "crimes and punishments" are listed: "petty hooliganism, i.e., profane language in public places, insulting harassment of citizens and other similar actions, - entails the imposition of a penalty up to administrative arrest for up to 15 days"; "smoking tobacco products in prohibited places entail the imposition of a fine of up to $5, etc. Such violation as "loud music" was highlighted separately. The so-called "police" will deliver the "violators" to the "city district internal affairs body to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense". "Accordingly, your "noisy" rest will inevitably be ruined", - the occupiers warned the CADO residents.

Militants of the "LNR MIA" detained the deputy head of the Republican Network Company "state-owned enterprise" while accepting a large bribe. "The Deputy Head of the Republican Network Company State Unitary Enterprise of the LNR, using his official position, suggested to a business entity operating in the field of providing Internet services to reduce the assesed penalty on contracts for a large bribe in the form of cash in the amount of $1360", - the message of the "Ministry of State Security" said. Currently, the "official" has been detained.

The renovation of the circus building is being discussed in occupied Donetsk. Even the project is ready, but the townspeople do not believe in its implementation. Separatist media and Donetsk residents wrote this in social networks. "The circus roof will begin to be restored in the near future. We hope that the reconstruction of the roof will be completed by the end of the summer season", - separatists wrote with reference to "deputy general director" of the circus Artur Kharlamov. In addition to the roof, they are going to remodel the auditorium, the facade of the building, as well as establish air conditioning and air heating systems. The townspeople inquire whether there is a budget for the repair of the circus. "Will the circus be expanded to the limits of the republic? Or has it already been expanded?", - the Donetsk residents ironized. The users also drew attention to the yellow-blue color that is present in the illustrations of the project, adding that "it is high time".

A local resident in a state of alcoholic intoxication fired from a machine gun in occupied Snizhne. This was reported by the fake "DNR MIA". Local residents reported about automatic rounds in the area of the village of mine No.32. Having arrived at the place of emergency, the so-called "DNR police" detained a man, born in 1966. A Kalashnikov assault rifle, 6 magazines for it and 181 cartridges of 5.45 mm caliber, which the shooting man kept at his place of residence, were found and seized during the inspection of the scene.