
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 05/26/2021 11:00:00. Total views 827. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on May 25, two violations of the ceasefire were recorded by the Russian occupation forces, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy opened fire from 82-caliber mortars near the settlement of Novhorodske. The occupiers fired from automatic easel and hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers in the direction of the settlement of Vodiane. There are no combat losses among the personnel of the Joint Forces as a result of the enemy shelling.

Occupation authorities of CADO did not let two employees of the UNICEF humanitarian mission into the "republic". This was announced by Natalia Nikonorova, who calls herself the head of the "interdepartmental committee on accreditation of humanitarian missions". According to her, "citizens of foreign states who are or were employees of organizations banned on the territory of the republics" tried to penetrate into the uncontrolled by the legal authorities territory of Donbas under the cover of UNICEF.

298 cases of coronavirus disease were detected in CADO over the past day. This was announced by the fake "DNR Ministry of Health". In addition, 22 patients died. In total as of May 25, there were 37 615 cases of COVID-19 infection, 4 046 are patients undergoing treatment (inpatient and outpatient), 2809 people died. The occupiers also identified 135 cases of "usual" pneumonia over the day, which is 78 cases more than in the past day. Of these, 97 patients were hospitalized. In total, 1775 patients with pneumonia are being treated, of which 727 are on oxygen support (+44 over the day).

Active campaigning is underway in the final grades of schools operating in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast for potential applicants to obtain a Russian passport and move to Russia for permanent residence. Parents, not informed by the school management about such campaigns, complained about this on social networks. "My daughter is 16, she came home from school and told me: "I will not enter (the clones of Ukrainian universities in the occupied Donbas – OstroV), I want to go to Russia. We were told today that you can get a passport of the Russian Federation and not worry about your future life", - the mother of one of the graduates told. "Why did the school not even think to ask the parents' opinions? Now, if she is really going to leave, what should I do?", - she was indignant.

In occupied Donetsk, Alexey Kulemzin, who calls himself "the head of the administration" handed over the keys to eight apartments of the "temporary public housing" on behalf of the "DNR leader" Denis Pushilin,. This was announced by Kulemzin himself in the Telegram channel. Kulemzin wrote that the owners of the keys were family members of the "deceased defenders of the DNR" and citizens whose houses were destroyed as a result of the hostilities. The separatist resources reported in April this year that the "temporary public housing of the DNR" included 79 objects (72 apartments and 7 rooms in a hostel). CADO came up with "a procedure for including municipal housing in the housing stock intended for temporary residence (temporary public housing)".

A portrait of the Soviet dictator Stalin, appeared during the May 9 celebrations, continues to hang over the entrance to the inoperative railway station in occupied Donetsk.