
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 04/29/2021 12:00:00. Total views 871. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on April 28, 8 violations of the ceasefire by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy fired from 120-caliber mortars, heavy machine guns and heavy anti-tank grenade launchers, prohibited by the Minsk agreements,iIn the suburbs of Krasnohorivka. The Russian occupation troops opened fire from 82-caliber mortars, grenade launchers of various systems and small arms towards the positions of the Ukrainian defenders not far from Vodiane. The enemy fired from heavy anti-tank and automatic heavy grenade launchers in the area of ​​the settlement of Hnutove. The occupiers used large-caliber machine guns and anti-tank grenade launchers near the village of Svitlodarsk. The armed formations of the Russian Federation carried out remote mining from hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers with POM-2 mines near Vodiane. There are no combat losses among our defenders since the beginning of the day.

The OSCE SMM observers were unable to find out information about possible civilian casualties among medical personnel in occupied Donetsk. This was said in the report of observers on April 27. In particular, it reported that on April 22, the medical staff of hospital No.14 in Donetsk refused to provide the observers with information about the alleged civilian casualty, citing "the need to contact the persons who have effective control". In addition, during the clarification of information about the same case, the medical staff of the Kalinin hospital in Donetsk also refused to provide observers with information about the alleged civilian casualty, citing "the need to submit a written application to the hospital".

155 cases of COVID-19 were detected in the occupied Donetsk region over the day. Another 14 people died. This was reported by the so-called "Ministry of Health of the DNR". In total, as of April 28, there were 32 890 cases of COVID-19 infection, 4065 patients are undergoing treatment (inpatient and outpatient), 2502 people died, the mortality rate is 7.6% (it is 2.1% - in the free territory of Ukraine and 2.1% - in the world). The occupiers also identified 113 cases of "usual" pneumonia over the day. Of these, 94 patients were hospitalized. In total, 1448 patients with pneumonia are being treated, of which 629 are on oxygen support (+34 over the day).

Doctors have registered 4297 cases of coronavirus infection in the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast, separatist media wrote. According to the "official" information of the so-called "Ministry of Health of the LPR", two more deaths were registered over the past day.

Construction cranes abandoned by building owners are "officially" identified in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast in order to "bring them to a safe state". This was stated by Sergey Naumets, who calls himself "the minister of construction, housing and utilities of the DNR". As of today, 38 construction-in-progress sites with construction cranes have been identified. Of these, 18 cranes were announced ownerless. "Today, the experts of the Promstroyremont Company LLC have started dismantling a tower crane at 23/1 Ovnatanian Street… As a rule, dismantling a crawler crane takes from three to five days, dismantling a tower crane - from two weeks to a month, while weather conditions are taken into account", - Naumets told. According to him, "two crawler cranes along the Petrovsky and Vysotsky streets and a tower crane along the Kuibyshev street were brought into a safe position" last year. The Donetsk residents wrote in local publics that the cranes would go for scrap following factories and mines. "They sold factories and mines for metal. Now they got to the cranes", "New scrap metal, which will be transported to Russia for peanuts? Well, the separation was worth it. Now we are feeding Russia instead of Ukraine. What has changed, besides the fact that now there is aggressive propaganda at every step? Who will build new houses when the old Khrushchev-era apartments completely rot away?", - the Donetsk residents were indignant.

So-called "officials from the administration" in occupied Donetsk extort 30 thousand rubles from local entrepreneurs for allegedly violating the "advertising law". This was reported in the separatist segment of social networks. "For several weeks now, subordinates of head of the outdoor advertising department of the Donetsk administration Yekaterina Roenko have been walking around Donetsk and, on her orders, are trying to shakedown 30 thousand rubles from shops, restaurants, pawnshops, etc. for violating the law on advertising. These ruffians find fault with everything that is possible, just to wheedle the cherished 30 thousand rubles for resolving the issue of coordinating outdoor advertising on signs, shop windows, etc.", - local bloggers wrote. They advise businessmen not to enter into conversations with such "officials", but immediately "call the police".

In occupied Donetsk, the wheels were removed from Gazelle that is used by the team to disconnect the debtors. The townspeople wrote that "the people cursed this car", "this is its punishment for bullying" and sneered about "Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups".

A pole fell on a truck in the Tekstilshchik microdistrict of occupied Donetsk. This was reported by eyewitnesses in social networks. "Most likely, the wires were hanging low and the driver hooked them", - the Donetsk residents wrote. The townspeople were actively commenting on the emergency: "Well, at least on a truck, and not on someone's head", "Donetsk is rotting. The Ferris wheel was cut into metal. The rails are also being cut. The carriages are being cut. Now they have taken up construction cranes".