
"It's quite a long time." The OSCE noted that the conflict in Donbass ran over tome and people are struggling to survive 03/21/2016 20:53:56. Total views 1078. Views today — 0.

The conflict in Donbass lasts two years and it's quite a long time. This was announced by First Deputy Head of the OSCE SMM Alexander Hug at the briefing in Donetsk.

"People continue to struggle for survival. It is time to put an end to it. Two years of conflict are quite a long time. When the mission was established two years ago, it was only there where there was no conflict. If in the beginning there were about 100 members of the mission throughout the territory of Ukraine, now we have 724 at various sites, 13 of which are located in the east of Ukraine," - said Hug.

"We see the difference in the position of those who make decisions that contribute to the continuation of the conflict with those who are directly affected by it," - he added.

Besides, Hug said that during the two years of activity in Ukraine representatives of the OSCE mission noted a significant number of facts hindering them to monitor the situation near the demarcation line in Donbass.

"Some people want to hide the facts, but we have created a large enough database of facts about the obstacles of movement for two years," - he said.