
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 04/02/2021 12:00:00. Total views 830. Views today — 0.

6 violations of the ceasefire by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on April 1, - the JFO headquarters reported. The Russian occupation troops fired at the positions of our units from grenade launchers of various systems and small arms in the area of ​​responsibility of the East tactical force, not far from the settlements of Starohnativka and Vodiane, in Pryazovia. The occupiers fired at our positions from automatic heavy and light anti-tank grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms in the area of ​​responsibility of the North tactical force, near the settlements of Svitlodarsk, Luhanske and Zolote-4. The enemy fired from automatic grenade launchers in the suburbs of the village of Shumy. One member of the Joint Forces Operation was injured as a result of hostilities. He was promptly taken to a hospital where received the necessary assistance. The condition of the wounded is satisfactory.

Fast-moving troops in occupied CADLO, equipped with new Russian equipment and modern weapons, became part of the so-called "people's militia of the DNR". This was said in the report of one of the propagandists of the "republic". It was reported that the fast-moving troops operate on the Russian-made UAZ Patriot pickups. It was noted at the same time that each vehicle is equipped with a 360-degree turret and high firing elevations. The turrets are equipped with Utyos machine guns and anti-tank guided missiles. At the same time, the author made it clear that not only Russian machine guns and ATGMs have been imported from Russia recently. "Today we do not see what else is hidden under the tarpaulin, except for the weapons installed on the turrets, - he intrigued.

Fighter of the "DNR" illegal armed formations Dmitriy Kovalchuk, nicknamed "Lenin", died. This was reported in separatist segment of social networks. "We have sad news. One of our charges, Dmitriy Kovalchuk (call sign Lenin), has died… Now his relatives need help with funds for organizing a funeral", - one of the messages said. The militant nicknamed "Lenin" became a media personality after Yekaterina Katina ("Red-haired with a camera"), who calls herself the "DNR war correspondent", indignantly told about the fact that the crippled "DNR" militants are being dismissed from illegal armed formations retroactively and they are left without any support. She mentioned the fate of D. Kovalchuk as an example of this trend. Later, Katina, apparently, after explanatory work in the "corridors of power", published a new story about "Lenin". According to her, all her own statements that the occupation authorities are "abandoning the Russians" who have served their time are "lies of Ukrainian propaganda" and "bogus stories by the SBU." In fact, the crippled militants are surrounded by the care and attention of the "republic" authorities. After that, the militant himself told on camera that he did not need anything, he was being treated and he did not feel abandoned.

29 228 cases of coronavirus infection were detected in CADO as of April 1. This was reported by the fake "DNR Ministry of Health". In addition, 129 new cases of the disease were confirmed over the previous day. Seven more patients died. At the moment, 5835 patients are undergoing treatment, there are 2249 lethal cases. Thus, the mortality rate continues to go off scale - 7.7% (2% - in the free territory of Ukraine 2% and 2.2% - in the world). 89 cases of "usual" pneumonia were also detected over the day, 13 cases more than in the previous day. Of these, 64 people were hospitalized. In total, 967 patients with pneumonia are being treated, of which 489 are on oxygen support (+19 over the day).

Occupiers of the "DNR" strongly "recommend" local small businesses to make signboards in Russian and decorate the facades of offices with the "DNR" symbols. This was said on the "official" website of the occupation "authorities" of Makiivka. In the message, the occupiers urge entrepreneurs to place information signs with the names of sales outlets, foodservices and consumer services facilities only in the "state language of the DNR". In addition, "they ask to consider the possibility of decorating the lighting of facades and signboards of retail facilities in the colors of the tricolor of state symbols". The occupiers explained their "recommendations" with the aim of promoting the state ideology and forming a high patriotic consciousness in civil society… and taking into account that… the state language of the Donetsk People's Republic is Russian".

Occupiers from the so-called "LNR" now believe that citizens registered both in the occupied areas of Donetsk oblast (CADO) and the entire territory of the country controlled by the Ukrainian authorities are foreigners. The corresponding changes were adopted by the so-called "LNR MIA". The changes were made to the so-called "temporary registration procedure at the place of residence and at the place of stay of individuals in the LNR" on March 23. Separatist social networks recalled that about a year ago, "by the decree of the DNR head, citizens who did not have registration in the DNR were prohibited from entering the republic from the LNR". "This regulation remains in force today", - users wrote. "Now the LNR has also presented its "surprise"… Registration on the basis of a certificate of place of residence in the LNR is not extended either", - was written in social networks.

Two workers of the grabbed Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works in occupied Yenakiieve were poisoned by blast-furnace gas while performing assembly operations. This was reported by separatist media. The victims were hospitalized, now their condition is assessed as moderate, there is no threat to life.

The cell and tissue culture laboratory of the Institute for Urgent and Restorative Surgery named after Husak is under threat of closure in occupied Donetsk. This was reported by a local blogger in separatist segment of social networks. According to him, the laboratory has problems with reagents. The resources it needs have not been supplied since the beginning of the city occupation in 2014.

In occupied CALO, the water supply to Rovenky was suspended due to the planned repair work on the Rovenky main water pipeline. This was said in the message of the so-called "Ministry of Emergency Situations of the LNR". "Water supply to consumers of the city of Rovenky and along the Volodarsk main water pipeline D 500 mm (water supply will be stopped too) will be stopped on April 1 from 08:00 in connection with the planned work on the Rovenkovsky main water pipeline D 800 mm, approximately until 10:00 of April 2 (taking into account the entry into operating mode)", - the message said.