
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 03/26/2021 12:00:00. Total views 867. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on March 25, one enemy attack on the positions of the Ukrainian defenders in the area of responsibility of the North tactical force was recorded, - the JFO headquarters reported. The occupiers opened fire towards our positions from heavy anti-tank grenade launchers and heavy machine guns not far from the village of Svitlodarsk. There are no combat losses among the Ukrainian defenders.

162 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast over the day. This was reported by the so-called "Ministry of Health of the DNR". In addition, nine deaths have been reported. 60 cases of "usual" pneumonia were also detected over the day, 49 of them were hospitalized. In total, 915 patients with pneumonia are being treated, of which 464 are on oxygen support (+16 over the day). In total, as of March 25, 28 318 cases of coronavirus disease were registered in CADO, 5305 people are being treated, 2205 have died.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" detained pensioner Tetiana Zhuravliova, who worked as a cleaner in one of the units of illegal armed formations, and accused her of "espionage on the instructions of the SBU". This was said in a story of one of the separatist propaganda TV channels. "Tetiana Zhuravliova worked as a cleaner in one of the military units of the DNR. She was recruited by the SBU in Ukraine, where she regularly received pension payments", - the TV story said. It followed from the story that the elderly woman supported a shelter for homeless animals at her own expense. The "republican" pension and the Ukrainian pension that she received on the territory controlled by Ukraine was not enough to live and care for stray dogs and cats, so she got a job of cleaner in one of the military units of the "people's militia". She cleaned the premises of the military unit for food, "with which she fed her pets". At the same time, receiving such "gratitude" from the militants, the woman still visited the free territory. According to the propagandists, she stole documentation on the personnel of the military unit in the premises she was cleaning, and photographed the interior of the military unit's headquarters. The occupation authorities stated that the pensioner could be "sentenced" for up to 20 years. The "TV story did not tell how the pensioner managed to get access to the "documentation" so easily.

There are 289 non-working elevators in the occupied territory Donetsk oblast. This was reported by Vladimir Rushchak, who calls himself "the Minister of Industry and Trade of the DNR". According to him, a total of 138 elevators are planned for overhaul this year, of which 47 are non-working. At the same time, the occupiers calculated that the purchase of a new elevator would cost 2.5 million rubles, and the repair would be a million cheaper, and decided to do the repair themselves. Allegedly, 16 enterprises will be involved in the process, which will be able to make 80% of the parts for repair. Thus, this year alone, the occupiers will need hundreds of millions of rubles to repair the announced number of elevators.

An accident occurred on a water-blocking dam in the Petrovsky district of occupied Donetsk as a result of a leak in a water pipe, which caused flooding of houses in the detached house suburbs. This was reported in social networks by Alexey Kulemzin, who calls himself the "head of the city administration". "According to the information of the Petrovsky district, a leak in the water conduit occurred near the stop of Olympic Reserve Sports School for children and young people No.4 "Cycling". Taking into account the heavy rainfall, a water-blocking dam burst, which led to flooding of the detached house suburbs along the streets: Bagritskogo, Triumfalnaya, Progressivnoy, Kazanskaya and Pekhotnaya", - Kulemzin wrote.

A car was burning on the roadway in the Kirovskyi district of occupied Donetsk in the morning of March 25. This was reported by eyewitnesses in social networks. The incident happened in Tekstilshchik, near the Obzhora supermarket. "The car is on fire", - eyewitnesses reported without specifying the details of the incident.

The occupiers hope to receive 30 million rubles this year to repair the facade and roof of the Donbas Opera building in occupied Donetsk. Separatist media wrote this with reference to "Minister of Culture of the DNR" Mikhail Zheltiakov. "The project for this year includes the roof and facade of the theater, something that requires immediate measures. I hope the opera and ballet theater will find a new life this year and will heal the wounds that we see today. It is planned to allocate more than 30 million rubles", - Zheltiakov said without specifying when exactly this money would come.