
Almost 8 thousand new cases of COVID-19 recorded in Ukraine over the past day 03/22/2021 09:55:17. Total views 1035. Views today — 0.

7893 new cases of coronavirus disease COVID-19 were recorded in Ukraine over the past day. This is reported by Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov on Facebook.

7893 people fell ill over the past day, including 413 children and 161 health workers. 4444 people were hospitalized, 157 – died.

2993 people recovered on March 21.

46 647 tests were carried over the past day, of which 34 129 – by PCR, 4418 – by EIA and 8100 – by rapid antigen tests.

1 554 256 people fell ill for the entire time of the pandemic in Ukraine, 1 260 842 patients recovered and 30 098 – died.

The largest number of confirmed cases over the past day was registered in the Lviv (937), Odesa (745), Zhytomyr(580), Kyiv (557) and Vinnytsia (513) oblasts.