
Called a spade a spade. Kravchuk breaks ranks with rule of "Minsk vocabulary" for the first time at TCG - Harmash 02/18/2021 12:07:04. Total views 1055. Views today — 0.

Head of the Ukrainian delegation to the Minsk TCG Leonid Kravchuk has used the terms "aggression", "occupation" and "occupied regions" during today's meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group, which contradict the rule of "Minsk vocabulary" in force within the TCG. Representative of CADLO in the Minsk TCG Serhiy Harmash told this OstroV in a commentary.

"Leonid Kravchuk (head of the Ukrainian delegation of the TCG - ed.) used the terms "aggression", "occupation "and "occupied territories", which contradicts the rule of "Minsk vocabulary" operating in these negotiations, during consultations today for the first time. Thus he reacted to such violations by Russia and its puppets from CADLO, which allowed themselves such expressions as "republics" and "Donetsk people's republic", - he reported.

In particular, in response to the next statement by representative of the Russian Federation in the TCG Boris Gryzlov that the parties to the conflict are Ukraine and CADLO, Leonid Kravchuk pointed out that "Russia was told to abandon the occupation of Crimea and Donbas" at the meeting of the UN Security Council held on February 11. Also, reacting to the Russian Donbass integration forum recently held in Donetsk, the head of the Ukrainian delegation asked the question: "What should Ukraine take as a basis: the special status of the occupied regions, or "national Russian states"?".

The rule of "Minsk vocabulary" implies the use during negotiations only of the vocabulary contained in the documents of the Minsk process.

As previously reported, a regular meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group took place on February 17 via videoconference.