
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 12/24/2020 12:00:00. Total views 880. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on December 23, three violations of the ceasefire by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded near three settlements, - the JFO headquarters reported. All violations were carried out by the occupiers in the area of ​​responsibility of the East tactical force. The enemy opened unaimed fire from automatic heavy-duty grenade launchers and an under-barrel grenade launcher near the Ukrainian positions not far from Vodiane in Pryazovia. The enemy fired from heavy anti-tank grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms in the same direction, but already near Talakivka. Another shelling was recorded near Avdiivka, where the occupiers opened fire towards our positions from a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher. The shots of the Russian occupation forces did posed no threat to the life and health of our defenders, so they did not open fire in response. There are no combat losses or injuries among Ukrainian servicemen.

194 new cases of coronavirus infection were diagnosed in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast over the past day. This was reported by the so-called "DNR Ministry of Health". In addition, 15 deaths have been reported. In total, 13893 cases of the disease were confirmed in CADO on December 23, 1256 people died. The mortality rate has been at a high level for a long time - over 9%, which is several times higher than the general Ukrainian and world indicators. The occupiers also identified 106 cases of pneumonia over the day, which they refuse to associate with covid. Of these, 81 patients were hospitalized. In total, 1777 patients with "usual" pneumonia are undergoing treatment, of which 643 are on oxygen support (+27 over the day).

In connection with the increase in the incidence of COVID-19 among children, the so-called "LNR anti-epidemic commission" has banned indoor entertainment events in the occupied Luhansk region, separatist media wrote. "Suspend: conducting leisure, entertainment, spectacular, cultural, physical culture, sports, exhibition, educational, advertising and other similar events with the full-time presence of citizens, as well as the provision of relevant services, including in shopping and entertainment centers, on attractions and in other places of mass visits of citizens… Citizens' visits to buildings and structures… including theaters, circus, cinemas, ice arenas (skating rinks) in enclosed spaces, other entertainment and leisure facilities", - the message said.

In the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast, more than 190 thousand residents received passports of the Russian Federation under simplified procedure. This was stated by the fake "DNR MIA". It was also reported that the occupiers issued the "DNR passport" to more than 600 thousand people since March 2016, of which - to 250 thousand residents this year. In total, about 2 million 300 thousand people live in the occupied territory according to the "official" statistics of the "DNR".

Winter holidays in schools of the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast will begin on December 31, the educational process will resume on January 11, 2021. This was reported by the so-called "DNR Education Ministry". It was clarified that the second quarter in schools would end on December 30, and the third quarter begins on January 11, 2021.

In the occupied Donetsk region, the requirements for the passage of a section of the illegal "border of the DNR" and Russia by minors from 16 to 18 have changed due to the fact that the occupiers of the "DNR" are introducing Russian legislation instead of Ukrainian. This was reported on social networks. The Civil Code of Ukraine allowed citizens to independently cross the border from the age of 16. But it became invalid after the occupiers adopted the "DNR Civil Code", according to which a person's full capacity begins at the age of 18. Now children in CADO under 18 years old must present a "notarial" consent to leave, certified by the parents (one of them).

in CADO when crossing the "border" without parents must present a "notarized" consent to leave, certified by the parents (one of them).

City center in occupied Donetsk turned into a "lake" as a result of "hydraulic tests" the day before. This was reported by the so-called "Ministry of Construction of the DNR". It turned out that the reconstruction of the water conduit along the Artema Street was completed at the beginning of December. "On December 22, commissioning and hydraulic testing work was carried out with an increased pressure exceeding the standard work of this water conduit. These are necessary measures at the final stage of this kind of work", - the Ministry of Construction stated. As a result of the tests, a defective pump cup was discovered on the expansion joint, which led to a water leak. The Ministry of Construction promised to complete the elimination of consequences of the accident by the evening of December 23.

The "unofficial" cause of the explosion of a vegetable stand on the territory of the market in Chystiakove (formerly Torez) in the occupied Donetsk region is a shot from a grenade launcher, presumably RPG-18 Mukha. This was written in the separatist segment of social networks. "On the recent explosion of a stall in Torez. Sources in the "DNR MIA" reported that unknown persons fired a shot from a grenade launcher, presumably RPG-18 Mukha, on the evening of December 20, before the curfew. Components of the grenade were found near, the store there was an entry hole on the door, and a lot of small fragments inside the room", - the message said. A local blogger also wrote that now the building has been partially put in order. According to the preliminary version he voiced, a conflict between the owners and people from the Armenian diaspora could be the conflict's cause.