
Kravchuk demands from Russian party in TCG to determine position on implementation of 2019 agreements by year's end 11/26/2020 13:39:12. Total views 854. Views today — 0.

Head of the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group Leonid Kravchuk essentially requires the Russian party, as a member of the TCG, to assume political responsibility by the end of this year and officially define its position on the need to fulfill the agreements reached at the highest level in Paris in 2019. This was reported by the official telegram channel of Ukrainian delegation to the TCG following the results of the meeting via videoconference at the level of the heads of delegations on November 25.

"The Ukrainian delegation recalled its position again - the basis for the settlement is the whole complex of agreements reached within the Normandy format, as well as the Minsk agreements as such, and confirms its readiness to continue working consistently to implement them, for which, in particular, it offered its own "Plan of Joint Steps". Leonid Kravchuk essentially demands that the Russian party, as a member of the TCG, takes political responsibility and officially defines its position on the need to fulfill the agreements reached at the highest level in Paris in 2019 by the end of this year", - the message of the Ukrainian delegation to the TCG stresses.

The message emphasizes: "Holding a new summit in the Normandy format by the end of this, which would summarize the attempts to fulfill the agreements reached as a result of the Paris summit in December 2019 and discuss plans for their further implementation, - this is what the Ukrainian delegation offers under the current circumstances".