
Putin's decree recognizing CADLO documents is a step by Russian Federation against sovereignty of Ukraine and is contrary to Minsk agreements - EU 11/20/2020 14:23:32. Total views 821. Views today — 1.

The decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the recognition of documents and registration of cars in the territories of occupied areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts is another step of Russia against the sovereignty of Ukraine and is in direct contradiction to the Minsk agreements. This is said in the statement of the EU representative, the full text of which is posted on the website of the European External Action Service, - Ukrinform reports.

"On 4 November 2020, President Putin signed a decree that facilitates the recognition by the Russian Federation of documents and vehicle registrations issued to citizens and permanent residents of Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk regions. This constitutes yet another attempt by Russia to undermine Ukraine's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. We expect Russia to refrain from actions that run counter to the Minsk agreements and impede the full reintegration of the non-Government controlled areas into Ukraine, and instead to fully implement its commitments under the Minsk agreements", - the document says.

The statement recalls that in 2019, the European Commission and the European External Action Service issued guidance on the handling of visa applications from residents of non-Government controlled areas of Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions to ensure respect for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

As the EU representative noted, these EU rules on Schengen visas were correctly and consistently applied in the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

"The European Union remains steadfast in its support to Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity", - the EU statement notes.

As Ukrinform reported, in October 2019, the EU published Instructions for EU consular offices on the procedure for issuing visas to citizens living in CADLO. This document made the efforts of the Russian Federation for Russian "passportization" of Ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories and the relevant decree of Putin on the Russian passportization for the residents of CADLO, dated April 24, 2019, toxic.