
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 11/10/2020 12:00:00. Total views 873. Views today — 0.

Situation in the area of the Joint Forces Operation on November 9 remained fully controlled by the Ukrainian defenders, - the JFO headquarters reported. No enemy shots were recorded in the lines of responsibility of our brigades during the day. The ceasefire is fully maintained along the contact line. Our divisions adhere to the agreements reached in full. At the same time, they are ready to give the enemy an adequate response in the event of any change in the operational situation.

Starting from November 10, the passage of citizens and vehicles through the Hnutove, Novotroitske, Marinka, Mayorske, Stanytsia Luhanska, Shchastya and Zolote checkpoints will be carried out daily from 8.00 until 16.00, - the JFO headquarters reported. The opened Ukrainian checkpoints previously worked until 18.00. It is specified that this refers to the checkpoints on the territory of the Donetsk oblast - the Hnutove, Novotroitske, Marinka and Mayorske checkpoints, and in the Luhansk oblast - the Stanytsia Luhanska checkpoint and new checkpoints of entry-exit - Shchastya and Zolote.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" and "LNR" will not restore the pass through their checkpoints, except for those that previously operated in a special regime - Olenivka and Stanytsia Luhanska. This is stated by representatives of the "republics". Thus, the "DNR" occupiers responded to the message of the Joint Forces Operation headquarters that Ukraine would open all checkpoints located on the contact line in the Donbas on November 10, believing that this would "inevitably lead to a worsening of the epidemiological situation in Donetsk oblast". At the same time, 7795 patients with COVID-19 were "officially" identified among the "DNR" occupiers, of which 687 people died. The mortality rate is one of the highest in the world - 8.81%. The "DNR" emphasized that only the Olenivka checkpoint is open for them, which works only on days determined by a certain "interdepartmental operational headquarters", that is, on Monday and Friday. In the occupied Luhansk region, the "LNR authorities" also reported that they would not open the new Shchastya and Zolote checkpoints on their part, as it was planned for November 10.

The first "DNR" leader, Russian citizen Alexander Borodai has stated that there were many cases of COVID-19 infection among the Donbas militants and, at the same time, they were deliberately left on at the front line. Borodai said this in an interview with Russian journalist Andrei Karaulov. "The problems are big. People get sick. Some get sick and die, others survive. Some get sick so well that some units are generally tried not to rotate at all. Because there are a lot of sick people, and rotating them means releasing them into the civilian environment, where, in general, there will be nothing good for the civilian environment, where many people are already sick. Therefore, they try to leave the patients at the front line", - terrorist Borodai stated.

In occupied Donetsk, workers of branch No.1 of the Vneshtorgservis (VTS) company - the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant - wrote another letter to the VTS leadership and leader of the "DNR" Denis Pushilin about their plight due to non-payment of wages. They wrote this in local social networks. The steelworkers warned in the message, that the personnel was driven to despair, people have nothing to live and feed their children for, since they have not seen their salaries for 4 months. The workers have nothing to pay for utilities, and a decree on the enforcement of debts for utilities is in effect in the "DNR". Bloggers wrote that "On November 6, the workers of the DMP received 16% of their July wages… The management of the plant and Vneshtorgservis are trying to delay the explosion of public anger and minimize the worker discontent with such handouts".

12 crimes were recorded in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast over the weekend, including three murders. This was reported by the so-called "DNR MIA". It is clarified that one of the murders took place in occupied Yenakiieve - the body of a local resident, born in 1993, with numerous injuries and a knife wound was found. In addition, it became known about three thefts, two robberies, one auto theft and three cases of seizure of weapons and ammunition.